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Furry Murder

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Furry Murder


Screams of pain and agony are coming from the house;

I feel my pace quicken as sweat fill my blouse.


“I must get to him!” I think, “I must not delay!”

“I must save him!” I chant, “My mind can not fall astray!”


I burst through the doors and let out a sob;

The carcass of my cat lay there! His name was Bob.



Then to my knees I fell.


“Who could have done this?!” I hissed;

“Was it you?” I was so pissed.


I accusingly pointed to my brother;

“It wasn't me!” He scoffed, “It must have been another!”


“Then who was it?! Who would murder Bob?!”

Then I felt my heart beginning to throb.


But then it stopped all together;

There was a sudden change in the weather.


Colder and colder my body became;

Never knowing who was to blame.


I never knew the killer of Bob;

His life was taken and mine was robbed.


So thus ends the tail of my treasure cat Bob.