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When The End Comes Along

becca's picture

When the shrubery rots down
When the grass is deathly gray
When the beastly serpents roam
When no child comes out to play

When homes are in dark shadows
When light is always so dim
When the air is damp and moist
When dawn is so gritty grim

Only one will dictate
The one to make all shake
One to whom all must kneel
To whom all must appeal

A colossal monster with a mighty roar
But a beautiful face that all will adore

A killing machine that all will fear
A monster that none will dare to come near

Never again will I see the sun
I will not see the only one
The one to whom I share my love
The one to whom will be up above

She will leave me to die in that awful hell
Where everything reaks with a horrible smell
I will curse her in my longing to once again
Join me in the horrible hellish pen

Like beasts we will be trapped
Untill we are kidnapped
Taken away from the terrifying place
Taken to a heaven in outer space

Where the love is not from pity
A wonderous eternal city
Where the streets are lined with diamonds and gold
A place of summer warmth and never of cold

In this heaven I shall be
I will finally, finally, FINALLY see
The magisty of the true pure king
The one who will take me away by wing
To a place that a man can only dream of
The beautiful heaven up above
Never again will I feel the pain
Never again will I feel the shame

Away from the hell
Away from the smell
Away from the rot
Away from the hot
Away from the pain
Away from the shame
Away from the mess
I couldn't care less

Finally in the heaven above
Finally in the arms of my love
I won't mind that she left me
Because then I will be with her
Never again will I have to miss her