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I miss you

becca's picture

For every second
That you are away
I only miss you more

I will never get used to you being gone
I am used to you being here
With me

I thought it would be forever
I thought we would never part
I thought I could trust you not to leave me

I get that you didn't want to leave me
I get that you could not help it
But it still hurts that you are gone

It hurts when I laugh
It hurts when I cry
It hurts when wake
It hurts when I sleep

Knowing I won't see you today
Knowing you aren't here
Knowing you are gone
Knowing I might never see you

I missed you before
I miss you now
I will miss you forever
But the pain will not be so great

I know you are gone
I know you are not coming back
But someday I might join you
I might see you again