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What is love?

becca's picture


     They ask me
      I say I don't know
I ask them
They don't know
I ask myself but I cant know

It is different for everyone
What do you think is love?

I think it is your parents who love you no matter what
I think it is your siblings that you will always stick up for
I think it is your friends who stay by your side
I think it is your spouse who only wants you to be happy
I think it is your child who you will do anything for

I think it is your first toy that you would never give up
I think it is you very own room which you sleep in every night
I think it is your favorite shirt that you where every week
I think it is your diploma saying you did a great job
I think it is your apartment that you finally caught up on the rent
I think it is you house with all of your belongings

I think it is your dignity you would never let go of
I think it is your pride that shows everyone your as good as them
I think it is your kindness that shows people you care
I think it is your integrity that shows you are good without being watched
I think it is your respect that shows you know you aren't the best

I think love is what you want it to be and there will be love no matter what